What MDF & HDF Core Means For Laminate Flooring

Initially, laminate flooring was manufactured by pasting several layers of melamine together, with the entire floorboard being plastic-based. The use of high-density fibreboard or simply hardboard or medium-density fibreboard (MDF) is derived from the idea of engineered wood flooring.

Many people confuse MDF and HDF as plywood or particle board, but all the mentioned types of assemblies are different by means of their composition. HDF and MDF are both fibreboard, made from wood waste, pulped into a one dimension with the help of adhesives, and using a top layer of wood or melamine coating to seal the whole thing. While HDF has the hardest and densest composition, that’s approximately 800 kg per cubic meter, MDF is a tad lower version. HDF and MDF are standard choices for Laminate flooring core, making them more sturdy and durable than melamine based floors.

Things To Know When Buying Laminate Floors In Ireland

Irish buyers have been steadfast towards the “solid flooring authenticity” for long period, or as long as it was more significant for a high-profile cost, and somewhat luxury element that added to the value of a property.

But now that solid flooring has concerns of environmental impact, as well as the soaring costs, most Irish homeowners are turning to the more eco-friendly means of laminate flooring.

Making laminate flooring “eco-friendly” has a lot to do with fibreboard, for it wasn’t always this easy, when formaldehyde or urea based materials are thrown in the mix. The fact that lumber is recycled and produced in more sustainable norms, makes it worthwhile.

But unlike melamine, fibreboard is not moisture resistant, and with significant exposure, the flooring will damage by warping, swelling later turning fragile. The ideal assembly is to have a acrylic based top coating to make give it more longevity, that doesn't always have to leach out toxic chemical fumes. For example, Kronoswiss laminate flooring has this amazing range of water-resitant HDF laminates, that are exquisite examples of what you should have in the modern times.

Commercial And Residential Laminate Floors
Whether you are buying laminate flooring for commercial or residential use, it’s best to be sure of the Abrasion Class. This makes the essential choice for you, by categorizing the rigidity, into a AC-Class, and is the best way to know exactly how much impact and foot-traffic your floorboards can withstand.
The AC class range from AC 1 to 5, with the AC 1 being the lowest dense and rigid flooring, ideal for rental homes for single person or couples, and the AC 5 being ideal for big families with pets and kids.  Also the AC rating for commercial grade floors vary in comparison to residential class floors. Keep it all under a checklist.


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